Passion Meets Purpose

Founded in Africa

With the purpose of showing what Africa has to offer the tech world.

Form meets function - What does it mean?

Form is about beauty and function is about purpose. It speaks to our philosophy and approach to everything we do. It shouldn't just be beautiful, it should be purposeful too. Our products and services are where beauty and purpose meet.

your minds eye

Our vision

Is to enriching peoples lives through technology and to get our products and services into the hands of everyone around the world.

People are in our DNA

All our products and services need to have one quality; it needs to improve people's quality of life. We believe that technology should exist for the sole purpose of making people's lives easier.

Collaboration over Competition

Whether it's our business deals or our approach to the way we work; our philosophy is the same. We favour collaboration over competition.

What do we do?

In one We specialize in software engineering but are making our way into various parts of the tech space.

See Our Services